As India receives with open hands whatever relief material arrives from across the world, be it oxygen concentrators, vaccines, Remdesivir injections, ventilators, oxygen cylinders, etc., the United States has stood firm in its resolve to help India with everything possible in this fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
In line with this same sentiment, the White House has said that the US has so far provided more than $500 million worth of assistance to India, adding that it would very soon distribute 80 million vaccines to other countries as well.
“To date, the United States has provided over $500 million in COVID relief to India, including contributions from the US federal and state governments, American companies and organizations and private citizens,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told the White House Foreign Press Group during a virtual press conference.
She said that the Biden administration is currently working to extend that same assistance to other South Asian countries that have been badly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We have sent seven air shipments, including health supplies, oxygen, oxygen supplies, and 95 masks, rapid diagnostic tests and medicine. In terms of the 80 million doses (of COVID-19 vaccines), we know there’s a great deal of interest in this understandably 60 million of AstraZeneca and 20 million of three other approved vaccines. Right now, it is working through an interagency process,” Psaki said, according to news agency
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